Materials: large sheets of white construction paper, apples, knife, marker, red, green, yellow and brown paint, paintbrushes, plates
- Practice fine-motor skills and make cute apple trees!
- To prepare, set out 3 small plates. Pour red tempera paint into one dish, yellow into the next, and green into the last plate. Cut apples in half, and place each half into its own dish, flesh-side down. (The apples don’t need to be the same color as the paint, but it would help if they are.)
- First, have children make the trunk and branches. Have them place a forearm and hand onto a piece of construction paper, spreading their fingers wide. Guide them as they use a marker to trace their forearm and hand. Then, have them use brown paint to fill in their tracing.
- Last, have students use the apple halves to stamp “apples” onto their tree branches. They can choose one color, two colors, or all three! fine-motor skills