Materials: scissors; large paper plates; leaves; liquid glue; paintbrushes; large tray; nontoxic spray adhesive; ribbon or yarn; hole punch; tote bag or basket
- Use found leaves to make this seasonal craft!
- In advance, cut out the circular centers of paper plates, leaving just the outer border. Cut enough so each child gets one.
- Go on a nature walk with your students. Have children gather a variety of colorful leaves. (It’s helpful to bring a tote bag to carry the leaves.)
- When you return to the class, tell children they will make wreaths with the leaves they collected!
- Put the leaves in a tray at a table, and give each student a border. Have children use a paintbrush to cover their border with glue. Then have them stick leaves to the border. Guide children as they work, making sure the leaves are close together.
- When children are done, use spray adhesive to hold the leaves in place and preserve their color. Let the wreaths dry overnight.
- Finally, use a hole punch to make a hole at the top of each wreath, and guide children as they thread ribbon through the hole and tie it off. fine-motor skills