Make Model Apples!
Materials: apple seeds, small paper plates, red tempera paint, paintbrushes, torn white paper or small coffee filters, sticks or brown pipe cleaners, glue sticks, leaves or green construction paper, scissors
- Use leftover apple seeds to make scrumptious model apples!
- In advance, set aside apple seeds to dry. If you’re not using real leaves and sticks, precut leaf shapes from green construction paper, and cut brown pipe cleaners in half.
- Give each child a paper plate, a paintbrush, and a small container of red paint. Guide children as they paint one side of their paper plate red to make the skin. Then have them make the flesh by putting torn white paper or a coffee filter in the middle of the plate.
- Once the paint has dried, have children put seeds in the center of the apple. If they’d like, they can try to make a star, like they learned about in the issue!
- Last, have each child glue a stem (a stick or pipe cleaner) and leaf (real or paper) to the top of their apple. Then ask about the apple. What are the different parts? fine-motor skills/science knowledge