It’s a BIG Day! Lesson Plan

What We Are Learning

Social and Life Skills Focus:

adapting to school routines


Theme Vocabulary Words:

school, join


Skills We’re Practicing:

group discussion, critical thinking, vocabulary, matching, friendship skills

  • The Pigeon HAS to Go to School by Mo Willems is a perfect giggle-inducing book for back-to-school. The Pigeon has plenty of reasons for not wanting to go to school, including being worried that he won’t know what to do there. But when he realizes that school is the place to learn—and that he’ll travel there in a special way—he changes his tune! After reading, ask children what they have learned so far at school.

New Friends, New Colors

Materials: shallow trays (2 trays for each pair of students), tempera paint in primary colors, 1 large sheet of craft paper

  • Children can make new colors and new friends with this fun, colorful activity!
  • In advance, prepare shallow trays of tempera paint in primary colors: red, blue, and yellow.
  • Have children work in pairs. Give each pair a large sheet of craft paper. Then give each child in the pair a different color of paint. Invite both children to dip theirhands in the paint and make handprints on the paper.
  • Next, have each child dip their hands in the same color paint again. Ask them to put their hands against their partner’s and smush them around to make a new color. What color did they make? Now they can make handprints in the new color they made with their new friend! art/collaboration

Materials: none

  • This easy game will help children learn their classmates’ names!
  • Have children sit in a circle in the meeting area of the classroom. Each child will take off one shoe and put it in the middle of the circle. Then have children take turns choosing a shoe from the pile. (Remind them to not take their own shoe!)
  • Then each child will walk around the circle looking for the classmate who is wearing the matching shoe. Once found, the child will give the shoe to their classmate, shake hands, and introduce themselves, saying, “My name is ______ , and I’ve found your shoe! What is your name?” The shoe’s owner will say their name. The class will then say the name together in a friendly greeting.
  • For an added challenge, have each child share something they like as well. cooperation/matching/listening skills