Materials: Snowshoe Hare skill sheet, paintbrushes, brown tempera paint, plates for paint, liquid glue, cotton balls
- Here’s a fun way to reinforce the concept of changing coats with the seasons!
- Give each child a copy of the Snowshoe Hare printable skill sheet, a paintbrush, and a small amount of brown tempera paint.
- Ask children what a snowshoe hare looks like in the summer. It is brown! Instruct them to paint their snowshoe hare. As the paintings dry, talk about why snowshoe hares are brown during the summer.
- Next distribute glue and cotton balls. Say that now it is autumn, turning to winter. The days are getting colder and shorter. (If you’d like, have children pretend to shiver.) It’s time for the snowshoe hare to change its coat! Remind students that the hare must be camouflaged against its snowy surroundings to protect itself from predators!
- Have children use a paintbrush to brush glue over their snowshoe hare’s body. Then guide them as they cover it with cotton balls, pulling and stretching the cotton balls to make them look like fur. Now their snowshoe hares are ready for winter! fine-motor skills