Leaf Silhouette Art
Materials: leaves, large sheets of white card stock, tempera paint in autumn colors, paintbrushes, plates for paint, masking tape
- Create beautiful nature-inspired art with leaves!
- Take your class on a nature walk. Have them collect fallen leaves of different colors, shapes, and sizes.
- Back in the classroom, have children spread out their leaf collection. Encourage them to share what they notice about the colors, shapes, and sizes of the leaves. Ask each child to pick 4-5 leaves to work with.
- Set out card stock, paintbrushes, and paints. Tell children to place their leaves onto their paper, leaving space between each leaf. Help them loosely tape the leaves to their paper so that the leaves stay in place.
- Then have children paint the leaves and paper. Once they are done, help them gently remove the leaves, revealing lovely leaf silhouettes. If you’d like, have children try to guess which leaves came from which spots! art