Materials: clear plastic bottles with tops, water, glitter, food coloring, clear dish soap, superglue, masking tape, small night-themed decorative items (e.g., star, crescent, and circle confetti) (optional)
- This activity lets children “bottle” the night sky! Bonus: The bottles can be used as nighttime calm-down objects.
- Rinse and dry plastic bottles. Give each child one to use. Help children to fill the bottles 3/4 of the way with warm water. Add glitter and dark food coloring or liquid watercolor—blue or purple works best. If you’d like, add night-themed decorative items. Fill the rest of the bottle with dish soap so there’s no air at the top. Superglue the top on and secure it with tape. Have children shake the bottles and watch the glitter swirl around!
- Send the bottles home with children so they can use them as part of their bedtime routines. fine-motor skills