School Community Thank-You Cards
Materials: construction paper, art materials
- Show appreciation for school community helpers by making thankyou cards!
- Gather children on the rug. Say that something we can all be thankful for is people who help us. Ask children who helps them in their school community. Make a list of their ideas on chart paper. If they need help, suggest people like the school nurse, who helps keep everyone healthy; the custodian, who helps keep the school clean; or the crossing guards, who help keep everyone safe. Then say that you can show gratitude for these helpers is by saying thank you. One way to say thank you is by making thankyou cards!
- Pass out paper and art materials. Have children decorate the front of their cards. Circulate and have them dictate what they’d like to say in their cards. Then have children practice signing their name at the end! prewriting/gratitude