Materials: crayons, glue, craft sticks, precut shapes—one red rectangle, two black circles, one red square, and one white square (a little smaller than the red square) per fire truck
- With this activity, children make an adorable fire truck while practicing positional words!
- Distribute materials to children. Tell them that they’ll need to use their “listening ears” to follow the directions.
- Use positional words to direct them:
• Glue the rectangle to the middle.
• Glue the circles under the rectangle to make wheels.
• Glue the red square next to the rectangle.
• Glue the white square inside the red square.
- Next have children make a ladder by gluing two craft sticks parallel to each other to the side of the fire truck and drawing lines between them.
- The final step is to draw themselves as the driver of the truck. They will have fun imagining themselves as real live firefighters! shapes/positional words/fine-motor skills