Materials: blue, brown, and green construction paper, cupcake liners, scissors, green pipe cleaners, yarn, green markers, glue, tape, seeds, Plant Labels skill sheet
- Follow these steps to create a 3-D plant diagram!
- Give each child 2 pieces of construction paper, one blue and one brown. Say that the blue is the sky and the brown is the soil. Guide them in taping papers together so the blue paper is above the brown paper.
- Then have children make their plants. First, tape a pipe cleaner to the blue construction paper to make the stem. Add roots by gluing yarn to the soil beneath the pipe cleaner. Draw green leaves with a marker or cut them from green paper and glue them on. Finally, make the flower by gluing the cupcake liner to the top of the pipe cleaner and adding seeds to the middle.
- If you’d like, have children cut out the words on the Plant Labels skill sheet and guide them in labeling the plant’s parts. fine-motor skills/diagram