Safe Around Town Lesson Plan

What We Are Learning


Health Focus:

summer safety


Social and Emotional Learning:

responsible decision making






letter recognition

  • Pique students’ interest by talking about summer fun. Ask children what they like to do during the summer. You can even share what you enjoy doing during the summer! build connections

SEL: Summer Safety “I Spy”

Materials: chart paper, markers

  • Take a walk around your neighborhood to build real-world connections to the issue.
  • Gather students and tell them you are going on a safety walk. Ask, “What signs of safety do you think we will find?” Use chart paper and markers to record their responses. Elicit answers like a stop sign, a traffic light, a crossing guard, a helmet, etc.
  • Remind children of any safety procedures and rules you have when going on a walk. Then walk around the neighborhood! When you see something that keeps children safe, give an “I Spy” clue. For example, “I spy with my little eye something that helps us cross the street.”
  • When you return to your classroom, discuss your findings. Were you able to “spy” everything on your list? safety
Apple chunks connected with toothpicks

Materials: bowl, spoon, cornstarch, water, food coloring, small containers or muffin tin

  • Work together to make your own liquid sidewalk chalk—a fun and safe way to play outdoors.
  • Have children help you make the chalk. Mix 1 cup of cornstarch with 1 cup of water. Divide the mixture among small cups or sections of the muffin tin. Stir in 2 or 3 drops of food coloring of your choice to each cup.
  • Take the liquid chalk and paintbrushes outside to a paved area and enjoy! You can even send the recipe home with children for a fun and safe outdoor summer activity. cooking/art