Hop, Climb, Fly! Lesson Plan

What We Are Learning


Science Focus:



Theme Vocabulary:




gross-motor skills




  • The Ants Go Marching by Dan Crisp goes perfectly with the issue. Sing the song as you display the book. Then have children join in singing. You can even march like ants around the classroom as you sing. paired text

Art: Butterfly Symmetry

Materials: card stock (9”x12” or larger), scissors, tempera paint, paintbrushes

  • Make beautiful butterflies—and teach symmetry!
  • In advance, cut out butterfly shapes from card stock so you have one for each child. Set out paint and paintbrushes.
  • Show children pictures of butterflies. What do they notice about each butterfly’s wings? They’re exactly the same, but flipped! Tell children that the wings are symmetrical. That means that they are the same on both sides. If you folded the wings together, they would match up. (Remind children that in real life, you should not touch a butterfly’s wings.)
  • Give each child a butterfly template. Fold it in half and open it again. Have children paint one half. When they are done, fold the unpainted side onto the painted side. Press firmly so the wet paint transfers to the unpainted side. Carefully unfold the butterfly. The sides should be symmetrical! fine-motor skills/math

Movement: Clifford Says “Move Like an Insect!”

Materials: none

  • Play this variation on Simon Says. Children will move like insects, but only if Clifford says so. Give directives, like “Clifford says, ‘Fly like a bee.’” Then give a directive without “Clifford says.” Remind children not to move unless Clifford says! listening
Apple chunks connected with toothpicks

Materials: Insect Scavenger Hunt skill sheet, crayons, camera

  • Children will love seeing insects “in the wild”!
  • Ask children what insects they have seen. Where did they see them?
  • Then head outdoors to search for insects. When children see one, they can mark it on their sheet. You can also have them just observe the insects while you take photos.
  • Back inside, children can draw an insect that they saw. If you took photos, display them for inspiration. observation and recording