What’s That Plant? Lesson Plan

What We Are Learning

Science Focus:



Theme Vocabulary Words:

stem, roots, leaves, flower, forest, field



number recognition/counting

  • Get children excited to learn about plants by reading The Curious Garden by Peter Brown. Ask children what kinds of plants they see on the cover. Do they know the names of other plants? After reading, tell children they’ll learn about many different kinds of plants in the issue. paired text

Science: Growing Grass

Materials: plastic cups, potting soil, small shovel, snap cubes, grass seed, water, spray bottle, magnifying glass, scissors

  • Children use their green thumbs with this versatile activity. 
  • Give each child a cup. Have children use the shovel to fill their cups . of the way with potting soil. Then have them sprinkle grass seeds on top of the soil. Label cups with the child’s name. Put cups in a sunny location.
  • Have children water their seeds using the spray bottle until the soil is moist but not too wet. Remind them to water their grass every day. It should grow in one to two weeks.
  • There are many activities you can do with the grass! Encourage children to examine the grass closely with a magnifying glass and draw what they see. They could also measure the grass using snap cubes and record the height. When the grass has grown tall, they can trim it with scissors. observation
A paper cup, seeds, and a pair of tweezers

Materials: different types of seeds or beans, bowl, rounded-tip tweezers, small cups

  • This multipurpose activity lets children practice fine motor skills, classification, and counting!
  • Tell children that plants make seeds, and new plants grow from seeds. Each kind of plant has its own seed! Show children a few kinds of seeds.
  • Set out a bowl of four different types of seeds. Seeds should be of a larger variety, like pumpkin seeds or beans. Give each child four paper cups. Put one example of each seed into each cup. Have children use the tweezers to pick up the seeds from the bowl and sort them into the different cups.
  • When they’re done, have children count the seeds in each cup. Which type of seed is there the most of? categorization/counting